The First Great Commission Church


The First Great Commission Church

Scripture: Acts 11:19-26

Complementary Reading: Revelation 7:9-14

Download the Study Guide to focus more closely on this week’s sermon with sermon questions, discussion points for each day, application suggestions, and prayer points: [Sermon Discussion Questions 2 June 2024]

Download the sermon notes with the slides for this sermon: [Sermon Notes 2 June 2024]

Sermon Outline

  • The First Great Commission Church Is Born (verses 19-20)
    • Jesus commissioned His followers to take the Gospel to the ethnic people groups of the world
    • The Great Commission didn’t really happen until God made the church GO!
  • God Loves and Desires Relationship With People from Every Ethnic Group (verses 21-24)
    • We see God’s heart for the nations as He moved powerfully in Antioch
    • God still has this heart for relationship with every people group – we must share His heart!
  • Great Commission Disciples Is Critical to Accomplish God’s Mission (verses 25-26)
    • The Great Commission requires discipleship and teaching
    • Are you growing in Great Commission discipleship?