The First Missionary Sending Church


The First Missionary Sending Church

Scripture: Acts 13:1-3

Complementary Reading: Isaiah 49:1-7

Download the Study Guide to focus more closely on this week’s sermon with sermon questions, discussion points for each day, application suggestions, and prayer points: [Sermon Discussion Questions 9 June 2024]

Download the sermon notes with the slides for this sermon: [Sermon Notes 9 June 2024]

Sermon Outline

  • The Antioch Church Sent Out Missionaries With Huge Kingdom Impact
    • The Antioch Church was deeply aligned with God’s will (verses 1-3)
    • The Gospel spreads in Cyprus and Turkey (a brief summary of Acts 13)
  • Sending Missionaries Obeys God and Fulfills His Will for the Nations
    • Churches must send cross-cultural missionaries when there aren’t enough witnesses within a culture to reach everyone
    • Do we need to send and support sending missionaries today? YES!!!
  • Antioch Shows Us How to Be a Strong Missionary Sending Church
    • We must be praying and fasting to align ourselves with God’s will
    • We must be teaching and equipping everyone to make disciples
    • We must be sending out evangelists and missionaries in the power of the Holy Spirit