Encounter Jesus – Matthew Week 14
What Did Jesus Say About the Final Judgment?
Matthew 25
Encounter Jesus Week 14 Handout
Lesson Notes
We continue the Olivet Discourse – Jesus’ final speech in Matthew, covering end times. Jesus concluded Chapter 24 with 2 parables which had the points:
- Be ready at all times for His return – it will be a surprise when He comes
- Blessed is the one doing Christ’s will when He returns; Cursed is the one who isn’t
Chapter 25 begins with 2 parables expanding on those points – we’ll discuss briefly.
Parable of the 10 Virgins – Read Matthew 25: 1-13
- Background: A wedding procession – typically at night, went from the groom’s house to the bride’s for the ceremony, then back to the groom’s for the feast.
- Carried torches covered in oil-soaked rags – they don’t stay lit long without more oil
- All 10 started well, had lamps/torches
- The groom was delayed – reiterating the point of the earlier parables – the return of Christ will be later than we expect
- They sleep – not a problem. The problem was their situation when they woke up!
- Only those prepared for the long haul persevered to salvation – entered the feast
- Consistent with Jesus’ words in Matthew 24: 13 – the one who endures to the end will be saved
- Also consistent with Parable of the 4 Soils
- Genuine saving faith – the kind producing fruit – will persevere to the end and there is nothing to fear
- Faith that isn’t genuine – intellectual assent without life change – will not persevere
- Only Jesus can tell the difference – we can’t
- Verse 13 emphasizes – we don’t know the day or the hour – prepare for the long haul
Parable of the Talents
- Expands and clarifies the point of doing what we’re supposed to do until Christ returns
- Servants entrusted with enormous sums of money (perhaps millions of dollars), based on their capabilities
- Two of them immediately went to work – essentially starting and running businesses – the only real way to multiply money back then. One buried the money.
- Verse 19 – “After a long time” the master returns
- Point – we are to invest everything God has given us – spiritual gifts, natural talents, developed abilities and education, skills, life experiences, money, and time – invest it all in building God’s Kingdom here on earth
- If we do – regardless of what we were given in this life
- “Well done, good and faithful servant”
- I will set you over much -responsibility in heaven
- Enter into the joy of the master
- If we don’t – condemnation/damnation. Genuine faith will drive us to act.
Final Judgment – Read Matthew 25: 31-46
- Verses 31-33 – When Christ returns He will judge
- All the nations – everyone – Jews & Gentiles
- Will separate people like sheep and goats
- In the middle east you commingle your flocks and they look a lot alike
- Shepherds separate them at night (sheep like it cool, goats like it warm), and for shearing, milking, etc.
- While they are a blur to us, shepherds can separate them quite efficiently
- Verses 34-40 – the righteous – the sheep – on Christ’s right, go to heaven
- Why? They fed, gave water, welcomed, cared for, and visited Jesus Christ when He was in need, a stranger, sick, or in prison
- “What are you talking about?” “We never did any such thing!”
- When they did it for the least, poorest, neediest of Christ’s brothers and sisters – Christians – they did it for Him
- Verses 41-46 – the opposite is true for the unrighteous – the goats – those on the left who go to eternal punishment (damnation) – eternal fire prepared for the devil and demons
- Is this teaching salvation by works??? It would be easy to read that into this, but
- NO! (verse 37) – “the righteous” – they are righteous, then they do these things, not because they do them to become righteous
- Matthew 1: 21 – “She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” They don’t save themselves.
- Matthew 20: 28 – “even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many”
- John 3: 14-18: (verse 15) – “that whoever believes in him may have eternal life”
- Remember, the sheep and goats are both surprised – so they didn’t do the good things (or fail to do them) in the expectation of salvation
- These works – either done, or neglected, represent whether a heart has been transformed by saving faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
- Jesus is clear – real faith does these things, and that should be sobering for us. Real faith transforms us, changes who we are and how we see and treat people.
- This is what James means when he says faith without works is dead.
- Matthew 28: 19-20 speaks of two aspects of genuine discipleship – professing the faith, and living a life transformed by that faith.