Encounter Jesus – Matthew Week 13
What Did Jesus Say About the End Times?
Matthew 24
Encounter Jesus Week 13 Handout
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Lesson Notes
We’re jumping ahead to Jesus’ final major speech in Matthew, called the Olivet Discourse (on the Mount of Olives shortly before His trial.) This is some of the clearest teaching on end times in the Bible.
- Still plenty of points of divergence among faithful Christian scholars.
- End Time teaching is controversial – good Christians can disagree on this without being heretics – so disagree agreeably.
- I’m always nervous about anyone who says they’ve got this all figured out.
Where there are controversial/difficult teachings, I start with clear truths and proceed. Tonight we discuss what I feel is pretty clear from Jesus teaching on the End Times in Matthew chapter 24.
Intro – Read Matthew 24: 1-3
- Jesus predicts the destruction of the temple. Disciples ask a multi-part question, thinking there is a single answer.
- Temple destroyed in 70 AD. Different timetable for Jesus coming and the end of the age.
- Chapter 24 seems more focused on the things that will happen up to and including Jesus coming.
- Chapter 25 seems more focused on what happens when He arrives – the end of the age.
My Takeaways from Chapter 24
- Bad stuff will happen in the world, but it won’t be the end of the world (Matthew 24: 6-8). We’re quick to quote Revelation whenever anything bad happens, but let’s take Jesus’ perspective.
- Christians will suffer, but it won’t be the end of the world; false prophets will appear; persevere (Matthew 24: 9-13).
- The end will come sometime after the gospel is proclaimed to all nations/people groups. (Matthew 24: 14).
- Bad things will happen but will be cut short for the sake of Christians. (Matthew 24: 21-22).
- There will be many liars claiming to be Jesus, even able to do miracles, but don’t fall for it. The real Christ will be totally and completely unmistakable, so don’t be fooled. (Matthew 24: 23-31).
- Nobody knows the date and time of Christ’s return. So if they think they found a code (or whatever) to figure out, they’re wrong. (Matthew 24: 36).
- We won’t expect when Jesus returns, so the only option is to be prepared at all times (Matthew 24: 41-51).
- 4 parables (2 here, 2 in chapter 25) to explain what to do while we wait
- Stay alert and on guard (verses 42-44)
- Do what Jesus commanded to do (i.e. the “teaching to obey all I commanded” part of the Great Commission).
- That servant will be blessed, not the goof-off servant who thinks there’s time later to get the work done.
- We never know the time of Christ’s return or our death – so live for God faithfully now and at all times.