Scripture Reference
Romans 5: 12-21
Sermon Audio
Sermon Notes
This week we are looking at two passages (Romans 5: 12-21 and Joshua 3) to investigate 3 things: A proclamation, a portrait, and a pattern.
- A Proclamation
- Romans 5: 12 – In this verse Paul is proclaiming that sin entered the world through one man, death entered the world through sin, death came to all men, all sinned.
- Paul is asserting that because of Adam’s sin we all inherited sin because we are from Adam. Remember in the Chronicles of Narnia when Aslan and the White Witch call the children “sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve”? Some proclamation is being made.
- Paul uses Romans 5: 13-14 to explain his proclamation.
- A Portrait
- Joshua 3 – God paints this picture of rolling forgiveness of sin back to Adam in Joshua 3! WOW!
- A Pattern
- Romans 5: 15-21 – Jesus not only covers Adam’s sin, but every sin we have added to the pile of sins.
Presented By Pastor Philip Vivirito