The First Missionary Receiving Church


The First Missionary Receiving Church

Scripture: Acts 14:21-28

Complementary Reading: Psalm 113

Download the Study Guide to focus more closely on this week’s sermon with sermon questions, discussion points for each day, application suggestions, and prayer points: [Sermon Discussion Questions 23 June 2024]


Sermon Outline

  • Paul & Barnabas Reversed Their Itinerary and Antioch Became the First Missionary Receiving Church
    • As the first intentional cross-cultural mission trip ends, Paul and Barnabas reverse their travels
    • Paul and Barnabas demonstrate the value of repeat visits in short-term mission work
    • They returned to Antioch and were well received
  • Return Visits Are An Essential Element of Effective Missions
    • God uses both short and long-term missionaries to accomplish His work
    • Short-term missions is work and is generally best with repeat visits
  • A Missions Minded Church Must Receive and Care Well for Missionaries
    • Missionary receiving and care is an important part of supporting mission
    • We must learn to care well for returning missionaries