Children's Ministry
Know ^ Grow ^ Show
Know God's Love
Kingdom Expanding
- John 3: 16, 1 John 4: 16
- Everything we do must show kids that God loves them
- We introduce kids to the love of God by constantly reminding them of what Jesus did for us
Grow In God's Love
Heart Transforming
- Ezekiel 36:26, Acts 4: 12
- Growing in God’s love changes the way we act
- Heart transformation NOT behavior modification
- D6E6 Discipleship plan for parents to help disciple their kids at home
Show God's Love
Culture Shaping
- Matthew 5: 13-16
- Knowing and growing in God’s love inspires us to show God’s love to our friends
- Be the Lighthouse
Equipping kids to know about God’s love, grow in that love, and show it to others.
LRBC Children’s Ministry exists to glorify God by introducing kids and their families to Jesus, lead them to follow Christ and lay the base for them to be a lighthosue for Christ.
Sunday Bible Study
9 – 10:15 am
Connecting kids up through grade 4 to Jesus and a Jesus-loving adult! Kids are divided into age appropriate groups where they will walk through the Gospel Project and discover that the Bible is one big story about God’s plan of salvation.
Kid's Music
6:30-7:15 pm
LRBC Children’s Choir is a kids only vocal team for kids grades 3-6. Practices are held seasonally for participation in Christmas and Easter music activities.
6:00 – 7:30 pm
Lake Ridge Baptist Church joins more than 12,000 churches in all 50 states with an AWANA program. At LRBC, AWANA is a ministry for kids ages 3 through 6th grade. The weekly program lasts 1 1/2 hours with a curriculum that takes students on an exciting journey through the Bible. There are weekly Bible studies and memory verses to apply to everyday life.
The PreK through sixth-grade program consists of three segments:
- Game Time allows volunteers to get to know kids while doing something fun and learning how to work together.
- Handbook Time, where kids meet with volunteer AWANA Leaders in small groups to help them work through and discuss their Handbook lessons, and memorize Bible verses.
- Large Group Time is a biblical lesson given by a single volunteer or a couple of teachers teaching on a rotating basis. It might include skits, role-playing, videos, and drama to make the lessons come alive.
Other Family Opportunities
Baby/Child Dedications
A celebration of a significant milestone in the life of your family as you commit to raise your child in the Lord!
Our baby (or child) dedications seem a little different than your typical one. Why? We believe this is a perfect time to partner with parents and start helping them along the road of parenting. Special services for Baby/Child Dedications take place in the fall and in the spring.
Summer Opportunities
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
VBS is a week-long experience to connect kids and families in our community to Jesus! During this week kids will be immersed in the life-changing promises of Jesus Christ through activities, songs, and Bible stories. VBS is typically scheduled for late-July or early August.
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.