We are wrapping up 1 Peter with a look at some of his closing instructions for Christians to live out their faith under pressure. Peter concludes his instruction on enduring suffering and persecution for the faith by explaining how to defeat 3 related threats – Arrogance, Anxiety, and the Adversary.

Scripture Reference

1 Peter 5: 5b-11

Sermon Notes

  1. Defeat Arrogance by Choosing to Humble Ourselves (vv5b-6)
    1. Arrogance is a threat both individually and as a church. Humility is a choice.
    2. Humility Toward One Another (5b)
      1. This is a command with consequences – God opposed the proud
      2. Choose to be humble toward one another, as we are each made in God’s image.
    3. Humility Toward God
      1. It can be hard to truly humble ourselves before God, to admit He can and should control our lives.
      2. But let yourself be humbled, believe He can accomplish His vision for our lives and for this church.
      3. We humble ourselves so He might exalt us!
  2. Defeat Anxiety by Throwing it Onto God (v7)
    1. Anxiety is a threat that keeps us from stepping out in faith to do what God wants
    2. We all worry at times, but we don’t have to be anxious – turn the subject over to God
    3. He is mighty AND He cares for us
  3. Defeat the Adversary by Alert, Faithful Resistance (vv 8-11)
      1. The Adversary, Satan, is a threat who hates the church when it is on mission and hates effective Christians who are living the Great Commission to make disciples.
      2. We are to resist him. What does that look like?
        1. We resist him by being sober-minded.
        2. We resist him by being alert, not anxious.
        3. We resist him by holding firm to the faith.
        4. We resist him by being encouraged by the example of suffering Christians around the world.

    Know this – after a “little while” – days or decades, God himself will restore (mend), fix, strengthen, and set firmly (Rev 21:4)