Feast of Booths, Part 2
Scripture: John 7:37-39
Complementary Reading: Nehemiah 8:13-18
Download the Study Guide to focus more closely on this week’s sermon with sermon questions, discussion points for each day, application suggestions, and prayer points: [Sermon Discussion Questions 16 February 2025]
Sermon Outline
- Jesus Used the Feast’s Water Pouring Ritual to Promise Believers the Holy Spirit
- The Feast of Booths featured a daily water pouring ritual
- Jesus explained how He fulfills everything that ritual pointed toward (verses 37-38)
- The Living Water comes through the Holy Spirit (verse 39)
- The Holy Spirit Is Sustaining, Transforming Living Water for YOU!
- The Holy Spirit is for you (Ephesians 1:13-14)
- The Spirit is given to utterly transform you (2 Corinthians 3:18)
- Don’t Quench the Spirit, Be Filled with the Spirit!
- In Christ you have the Living Water, but are you choking off the flow?
- Let the Living Water flow by practicing Five to Thrive