Scripture Reference

Nehemiah 2: 17 – 3: 32

Sermon Audio

Sermon Notes

We conclude our series unpacking LRBC’s new 2020 vision by seeking to find our individual place in building God’s Lighthouse. Turning this vision into reality is a work for our entire community of faith, not just a few.

  1. Five Lessons from Nehemiah for Implementing a Vision
    1. Present God’s vision and share how God is already at work (verses 17-18a)
    2. The people must commit (verse 18b)
    3. Expect opposition, but be confident in God’s support (verses 19-20)
    4. Vision implementation takes all people (chapter 3)
    5. Even in a common effort, each person has specific tasks (chapter 3)
  2. What is Every Person in this Community of Faith Called to Do?
    1. Welcome In – Worship God more fervently, introduce ourselves to anyone we don’t know; love one another more faithfully; love our neighbor; find and be mentors
    2. Be Built Up – Practice the spiritual disciplines daily to cultivate our relationship with God; join in the phased discipleship process when it becomes available
    3. Reach Out – Get serious about inviting others; be prepared to tell your story and explain your joy (Embrace, Explain, and Embody Christ)
  3. What are You Specifically Called to Do to Build God’s Lighthouse?
    1. Each of us also has a specific place waiting for us to help make the vision a reality
    2. Be alert and proactive about volunteering – get involved in PITs, bring your ideas to them
    3. Invite the VCT to your next committee, council, or team meeting to talk vision alignment and vision support
    4. Step out in faith – if God is calling you, step forward. Know He is calling you to something.


Find your place and “strengthen your hand for the great work”!