At the start of the section on rebuilding the people of God, the book of Nehemiah elaborates on Ezra 2: 68-69, describing the massive freewill gifts given by the Jewish people upon their return to Jerusalem, so that the temple could be rebuilt.
Scripture Reference
Nehemiah 7: 70-72
Sermon Audio
Sermon Notes
Godly Giving is Both Free and Sacrificial
- Godly Giving is a Free Choice
- The giving in Nehemiah was a freewill offering, not an obligation, duty, law, rule, or tithe (Ezra 2: 68-69)
- This is much like New Covenant giving
- As Christ-followers we aren’t under the old Law; instead, we’re to give as we decide, knowing that God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7)
- Giving should be an act of worship (Philippians 4: 18)
- The gold and silver already belong to God, it’s just about how much we keep for ourselves
- Godly Giving is Sacrificial
- In Nehemiah, people gave as they chose, but it was sacrificial, having just arrived back in Jerusalem after lengthy exile
- We give sacrificially because Christ gave everything for us (2 Corinthians 8: 8-9)
- It’s a joy to give sacrificially, like the Macedonian church (2 Corinthians 8: 15)