At the start of the section on rebuilding the people of God, the book of Nehemiah elaborates on Ezra 2: 68-69, describing the massive freewill gifts given by the Jewish people upon their return to Jerusalem, so that the temple could be rebuilt.


Scripture Reference

Nehemiah 7: 70-72

Sermon Audio

Sermon Notes

Godly Giving is Both Free and Sacrificial 

  1. Godly Giving is a Free Choice
    1. The giving in Nehemiah was a freewill offering, not an obligation, duty, law, rule, or tithe (Ezra 2: 68-69)
    2. This is much like New Covenant giving
      1. As Christ-followers we aren’t under the old Law; instead, we’re to give as we decide, knowing that God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7)
      2. Giving should be an act of worship (Philippians 4: 18)
      3. The gold and silver already belong to God, it’s just about how much we keep for ourselves
  2. Godly Giving is Sacrificial
    1. In Nehemiah, people gave as they chose, but it was sacrificial, having just arrived back in Jerusalem after lengthy exile
    2. We give sacrificially because Christ gave everything for us (2 Corinthians 8: 8-9)
    3. It’s a joy to give sacrificially, like the Macedonian church (2 Corinthians 8: 15)