We resume our series in Colossians with a beautiful passage exploring the implications of our glorious union with Jesus Christ. Over and over again, the passage reminds us that we are “in Him.”
Colossians 2: 6-12
Complementary Passage: Jeremiah 4: 1-4
Once Buried and Raised with Christ, Be Filled, Rooted, and Built in Him
- We Were Buried and Raised with Christ (verses 11-12)
- The death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ
- When we believe we experience these in union with Christ (verse 12)
- Our initiation into a life of faith (verse 11)
- We Are Filled In Him (verses 9-10)
- Jesus is fully God in the human flesh (verse 9)
- We are filled in Him (verse 10)
- So Be Rooted and Built Up in Him (verses 6-8)
- We must walk in Him (verse 6)
- Be rooted in God’s Word
- Be built up