Scripture Reference

Luke 10: 25-37

Sermon Notes

Like the lawyer, we are to “Go and do likewise” as genuine neighbors to those around us.

  1. Passage Recap
    1. The Challenge – “What must I do to inherit eternal life?”
    2. The Answer – The Great Commandment
    3. The Key Word – “Do” this!
    4. The Self-Justification – “Who is my neighbor?”
    5. The Unexpected Answer – A hated, heretical, half-breed Samaritan…
    6. The Bottom Line – “Go and do likewise”
  2. “Do and Do…”
    1. This isn’t works-based salvation. It points to salvation by faith.
    2. The ability to always love God and love neighbor like that comes from God’s Spirit within us. On our own it’s impossible.
    3. Obedience to the Great Commandment is evidence of saving faith, not the source of salvation. The “Go and Do” applies to us as believers in Jesus Christ.
  3. “…likewise”
    What does it mean for us to do likewise, individually and as a church? It means we love our neighbor and everyone is our neighbor and we prove it by doing.


    1. It’s inconvenient – note the interruption in the  Samaritan’s journey
    2. It’s practical – first aid, care/shelter, transportation, provision
    3. It’s costly – time and money. Our care for others should be costing something.
    4. It crosses all racial, social, religious, and ethnic boundaries