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MOMCo - formerly known as MOPS

Who We Are

ALL mothers are welcome to The MOMCo at LRBC (formerly known as MOPS/MOMSNext)! We serve moms with kids ages 0-18. Moms are the most powerful creatures on the planet, but none of us can do this mothering gig alone. You’re going to love being part of a community of moms who totally get you! We are the ones influencing the smallest details of peoples’ day. When moms are resourced, elevated, educated and empowered to do what they are meant to do in the world, everyone is better because of it. We are thrilled to have you join our Jesus-centered sisterhood of moms investing in themselves and the next generation.

Our group is formed with the purpose to

  • Share Jesus and His love – start, continue or expand your walk with Jesus
  • Provide a safe and comfortable place for moms to retreat – no judging or gossiping here
  • Have community and connectivity – lean on us no matter what you’re going through
  • Foster deep, meaningful relationships – find fulfillment in friendship
  • Have fun, get refreshed and empowered – be on both the giving and receiving end of support

Here are LRBC, we gather and support moms. We believe in the simple bu revolutionary idea that remarkable things happen when moms come together. If you are a mom with a child birth through age eighteen, we have a place for you!

What We Do

3rd Thursdays

The Third Thursday of the month (Sept – May) the entire group gathers for the large group meet-up at the church for fellowship, food and fun.

1st Thursdays

The First Thursday of the Month (Sept – May) meetings are held at your designated TGL’s (Table Group Leader’s) home. These smaller, approximately 5 person group meet-ups will allow for more intimate discussion and fellowship – building up our relationships with each other and the Lord.

Don’t yet have a TGL? – That’s ok! These groups are formed at the 3rd Thursday meetings, but we won’t make you wait until the next one. contact one of our Co-Coordinators to get connected now! You are welcome here, and we want to know you!

Play Dates

We typically meet once or twice a month during the week at a free, local playground area to let both mom and kids get some interactivity, and blow off steam.

Mom’s Morning/Night Out

Every 2nd Saturday at 9 am we meet at Panera on the Prince William Parkway.

Various evening activities such as movie night, bowling,  bingo, spa trips, gift wrapping parties and more are planned once per month to provide self-care opportunities for moms to connect without the kids.

Crafts, Fundraisers, and Community Service

Throughout the year we provide several craft projects to create, host a few fundraisers, and participate in Operation Christmas Child as a community service project.

Speakers and Videos

Both live guest speakers and  sourced videos will provide parent-pertinent and mom-enriching talks and presentations.

Holidays and Family Potluck Gatherings

We love gathering all the spouses and kids of our moms together to connect. We host an annual Easter celebration and end of year summer potluck BBQ.

How to Join

Use the form below to contact us and we will follow up with you.

The MomCo: Request for Information

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

Isaiah 43:18-19