We’re talking about the transformation that is ongoing in our lives once we follow Jesus…

Scripture Reference

1 Peter 2: 4-8

Sermon Notes

  1. Jesus Always Causes a Response – He Will Either Be the Cornerstone or the Stumbling Stone for Every Person
    1. Jesus is the cornerstone of God’s construction (v6)
    2. He will bring honor and salvation to those who believe (v7a). Psalm 118:22 which Peter quotes describes the gates of righteousness. Passing through Jesus gets us the righteousness we cannot achieve ourselves. Why? V8 quotes Isaiah 8:14, which is talking about God, but Peter applies it to Jesus, to indicate he is God.
    3. Jesus is offense and worse for those who don’t believe (so don’t be surprised by the hostility of people’s reactions or rejection)
    4. Jesus is a living stone – rejected by men and chosen by God (v4) – which is He to you?
  2. As Christians we are being built into a spiritual house
    1. Verses 4 and 5 address our transformation (sanctification). As we come to Jesus (the living stone) on an ongoing basis, we are living stones. What does that mean?
    2. We’re being built into the universal church. Christ is our cornerstone and we must build on Him (v6). It is only together in unity that we become God’s spiritual house rather than a bunch of rocks in a field.
    3. It’s an ongoing process that only takes place with other believers.
  3. As Christians, we are to be a holy priesthood
    1. Once again, we’re each called to be priests. What does that mean?
    2. Offer sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus (v5).
    3. Hebrews 13:15-16. We’re to sacrifice our praise and our treasure.
    4. Romans 12:1. We’re to sacrifice ourselves (alive) – our lives – time, talent, and treasure – everything.