
Stop Dreaming About Egypt

Scripture: Numbers 11:1-15, 31-35

Complementary Reading: John 8:48-59

Download the Study Guide to focus more closely on this week’s sermon with sermon questions, discussion points for each day, application suggestions, and prayer points: [Sermon Discussion Questions 29 September 2024]

Download the sermon notes with the slides for this sermon [Sermon Notes 29 September 2024]

Sermon Outline

  • Many Israelites Longed to Return to Egypt
    • A pattern of grumbling began to set in (verses 1-3)
    • An ungodly longing for the past set in (verses 4-9)
    • Their complaints broke Moses’ spirit (verses 10-15)
    • God punished them by giving what they demanded (verses 31-35)
  • Longing for the Past Is Displeasing to God
    • God’s people still often long for the past
    • Stop dreaming about Egypt – dream about serving God now and moving forward
  • Longing for the Past Is Discouraging to Others
    • We seldom realize how discouraging it is to long for the past
    • Be an encourager rather than discouraged