Introduction to Systematic Theology
As our life in Christ moves through our span of physical time, we all come to a point of life where we desire to know more of God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, His redemption, the future of our life together.
We desire to more fully understand God’s ways of faith, and we try on our own, but we stop shortly because we get so overwhelmed with all of the vast information available. Be encouraged. Do not quit.
We will spend 15 weeks with Nile Radcliffe as he leads a study of Introduction to Systematic Theology based on the work of Wayne Grudem. This is a part of the Vine & Branches year-long course work, but Nile has opened this section of teaching to anyone who wishes to join in.
Sundays, from 3:00 – 5:00 pm.
March 16, 2025 – June 22, 2025
Meets in-person at the church or on Zoom
Please register in advance for book information and meeting room information.