While we could do a whole series on 1  Corinthians 13, here we will cover the whole passage at a high level, focusing on the 3 main sections/ideas of the passage:

  1. Love is the most important value (verses 1-3) – incomparably greater than all spiritual gifts and all personal sacrifices.
  2. Love is the only gift/virtue that is eternal (verses 8-13). All others will fade by the time Christ returns. At that time, our faith will be our sight, our hope will be made certain, but love will endure. That is what we will be doing for eternity.
  3. Love is… (verses 4-7). An act of will and fruit of the Spirit (as we have discussed previously with respect to unity).

Scripture Reference

1 Corinthians 13

Sermon Notes

1 Corinthians 13 is primarily about relationships within the church, particularly spiritual gifts.

  1. Love is the Most Important Virtue
    1. How Important It Is (verses 1-3) – Greater than all spiritual gifts and all personal sacrifices.
    2. Why It’s Important
      1. It’s Eternal (verses 8-13)
      2. It’s Christ’s Commandment (John 13: 34-35)
  2. What Love Is (verses 4-7)
    1. The Qualities – Note they assume there will be problems in the church – that you need to be patient, kind, forgiving. Some of these qualities are for preventing problems and some are for resolving them.
    2. These Qualities are an Act of Will and the Fruit of the  Spirit
  3. Examine Yourselves
    1. Lack of Love was the Corinthian’s problem with the Lord’s Supper (1 Corinthians 11)
    2. So…let’s examine ourselves!