We come now to Paul’s final Old Testament argument against the false teachers in Galatia. It’s an argument that sounds strange to our ears, but would have been very compelling to his readers. However, as we dig in, we find much to celebrate in the good news that like Isaac, every believer in Christ is a child of promise – a free citizen of the New Jerusalem!
Scripture Reference
Galatians 4: 21-31
Complementary Reading: Isaiah 53: 10 – 54: 8
Sermon Audio
The Good News of Being a Child of Promise (38:05)
Date: July 22, 2018
By: Lake Ridge Baptist Church
Description: Series: God's Good News for Everyone; Scripture: Galatians 4: 21-31
Sermon Notes
We Are Free Citizens of the New Jerusalem!
- Paul Argues for Expelling False Teachers
- Recap/explanation of Paul’s argument in verses 21-31
- We Are Citizens of the New Jerusalem
- We are citizens of the New Jerusalem (verse 26) – that is our final destination
- God’s presence, God’s comfort, God’s holiness, God’s healing and restoration
- Our primary loyalty must be to God’s Kingdom
- Cast out false Christians trying to turn your loyalty to earthly kingdoms and empires
- We are citizens of the New Jerusalem (verse 26) – that is our final destination
- We are Truly Free in Christ
- In Christ our very identity is freedom – from law, our past, earthly labels, sin, death – John 8: 31-32
- Cast out false Christians trying to steal your freedom