Although thematically linked to our Galatians series, we are taking a pause to reflect on one of the most incredible gifts of grace we receive though we don’t deserve it – that God invites us to give to support the work of His Kingdom.

Scripture Reference

2 Corinthians 8: 1-9

Sermon Audio

Sermon Notes

God’s Invitation to Give is an Undeserved Gift of Joy (verses 1, 6, 7)

  1. Grace is undeserved, unmerited favor, and giving is a form of grace
  2. Ways we give to God’s Kingdom

Give Sacrificially to God and His Kingdom (verses 2-5)

  1. The joy of the poor churches of Macedonia
  2. Fully give yourself to God, then give to His Kingdom
  3. It’s not about a specific number, rather the joy of sacrificially giving to God’s Kingdom

Give Freely as Jesus Freely Gave Himself to You (verses 6-9)

  1. Christ set aside the riches of heaven for you (verse 9)
  2. We’re invited to follow His example
  3. Excel in giving as in the other aspects of Christ-likeness