Sundays at Lake Ridge Baptist Church
At Lake Ridge Baptist Church, our primary emphasis on Sunday mornings is on Building Up the Community of Faith, with key elements of Welcoming In for all. We place an emphasis on the quality of the gathering, so that God will be glorified every time we gather. We offer to God and His people a corporate gathering that is rich in expression and energized in its atmosphere. Preaching is the central “building up” element of our worship gathering, and it is used as a gateway into a deeper worship, prayer and response.
The day begins at 8:30 am – 8:55 am for any who wish to come and pray for the day’s gatherings. This is a time of quiet prayer in the Worship Center.
Fellowship & Bible Study (9 am – 10:15 am) offers opportunities for individuals to fellowship, pray and study God’s Word in small groups. Fellowship & Bible Study groups are offered for all ages. Kids are grouped by age (younger children) or by school grade. For students (grades 6-12), our Refuge Cafe is open. For adults there are a variety of small groups with different biblical and topical studies.
The Worship Gathering (10:30 am) has preaching (worship through the Word) as the central element, combined with elements of worship through prayer and worship through music designed to encourage and build up the body of Christ (including you).

Worship Time for the Kids
We love for families to worship together as soon as children are ready. To help your children grow in church we offer Nursery, Hands-On Bible, and Sermons From a Kids’ View.
Once you arrive, please locate one of the Kid Check-in stations located inside the Main Entrance or at the entrance to the Worship Center. There you will check in your nursery and Hands-On Bible kids, receive more information about the Basecamp Kid Ministry, and be shown around our kids area.
In order to make your first check-in smoother, we encourage you to set up your Kid Check account before arriving (Set up KidCheck Account).

Our nursery exists in order to introduce little ones to the awesome love of Jesus while parents worship. We divide our nursery into two rooms: 6 weeks through 24 months and Toddler 2′. Each room is staffed with two loving leaders who are passionate about caring for and loving little ones. All our nursery leaders are background checked, trained, and excited to serve!

3-year olds through Pre-K kids will experience worship with their families for a period of time at the beginning of the worship gathering. Then they are invited to follow a leader downstairs to investigate the scripture about Jesus’ love. Teachers use everyday objects, just as Jesus did, to capture children’s attention and engage their senses to help reinforce Bible truths.

Older kids are invited to pick up a clipboard in the back of the Worship center to draw that morning’s sermon. When worship is over, turn in your drawing in the box at the back of the Worship Center. These drawings are posted in the Main Entrance for everyone to see. Also, parents are encouraged to take home the question sheets that are attached to each clipboard. These provide a great opportunity to discuss that morning’s sermon with your child once you get home.

Lake Ridge Baptist Church
12450 Clipper Drive, Woodbridge, VA 22192
(703) 494-8413
Overflow parking is available on the street or across the street at Rockledge Elementary School. Handicap parking is available near the Worship Center Entrance and near the Clipper Drive (parking lot) Entrance.
If you are planning to attend during the Fellowship & Bible Study Hour at 9 am, enter through the Main Entrance. If you are planning to attend the Worship & Celebration at 10:30 am, enter through the Worship Center Entrance.
An elevator to the Worship Center is available around the corner to the right of the Worship Center Entrance.