Five to Thrive

Thrive Groups

Grow in Community

We are meant for Ah-Lay-Loan not “All Alone.” (You can hear this sermon series online at

COVID has made that Ah-Lay-Loan very challenging but it is something we, as Christians, are called to do. With that, Pastor Brian encourages everyone to join a Thrive Group.

Some of the Thrive Groups meet in-person, a few online, and many as a hybrid model of in-person and online. That means you can participate even if you are not comfortable venturing out into group gatherings, are not able to venture out, or live outside the geographical  community.

What is a Thrive Group?

What is a Thrive Group? Technically, it is defined as follows:

Small groups of people growing in Christ together through deep relationships with one another, living and holding each other accountable for: worshiping, practicing spiritual habits, growing to community, serving God, and sharing Christ.

In a nutshell though, it’s a way we do life together as Christians, as we are called to do.

Types of Thrive Groups

Thrive groups may follow a specific theme, interest, focus, or study. Groups may be open or closed.

Closed groups open for registration at the beginning of the group only.

Open groups allow individuals to join at any time.

Cyclical groups are groups with a particular focus that are formed annually, bi-annually, or semi-annually. While these groups may not be currently registering you can view their information and submit to get more information or get on the list for the next cycle.

Catalog of Thrive Groups

All times indicated are based on Eastern Time Zone. Expanded descriptions are available by clicking the MORE INFO link for each class. The expanded description page has a form for you to register or even just to ask for more information.

Open for Registration Now

How Do I Grow Deeper?
How Do I Grow Deeper?
How Do I Grow Deeper?

Open/Ongoing Enrollment

The Abiding Fellowship
Game On!
Seeking Christ in Grief
Crafts & Devotionals Thrive Group

Cyclical Thrive Groups

These groups may not be currently available, or the current sessions may not be offered at a time/day convenient for you. These groups  are offered on a regular cycle. It is well worth considering them in your discipleship path and growth at a later time. We offer the information here so you can plan ahead.

Vine & Branches
How Do I Grow Deeper?
How Do I Grow Deeper?
How Do I Grow Deeper?

Have an Idea for a Thrive Group?

We want to expand our options since our groups are geared towards 12-20 people maximum. If you have an idea for a Thrive Group, we’d like to listen.

Thrive Group Suggestion